Higgins Research,  New England Historical Society,  Worcester History Museum

Higgins Research Update for October 19, 2011

     Yesterday was a day of inquiry for me.  I contacted the Worcester Historical Museum and spoke with Robin in the research department.  The museum is holding Higgins Papers that are of interest to me.  I explained to Robin what I was interested in and she let me know that I need to send her an email with the specific items I would like her staff to research.  I was informed that there is a free 15-20 min preliminary search and thereafter there would be a fee per hour.

     Today I will put together an email of exactly what I would like Robin and her staff to look at for me.  E-mails to the Worcester Historical Museum Research department is library@worcesterhistory.net.

The home page of the Worcester History Museum states: Founded in 1875, Worcester Historical Museum is a unique organization dedicated to collecting, preserving, and interpreting Worcester’s history in all time periods and subject areas. The holdings of WHM encompass thousands of unique documents and artifacts vital to the study of Worcester history.

     Once I finished my call, I contacted the New England Historical Society, now known as American Ancestors, located in Boston, MA. The Researcher informed me that I could fill out a request form which is posted on the website, fill out with detailed information.  The fee for the service is based on one’s membership.  The fee is $50.00 an hour to research, read, make copies, etc.  I will probably do this but as you can see, everything costs money and it could be quite expensive especially if you need a researcher to read a diary.