Cully Surname,  Death Certificate,  Geneabloggers,  Genealogy,  Hope Cemetery,  Massachusetts,  Root Digger,  Wednesday's Child,  Worcester,  Yvette Porter Moore

Wednesday’s Child: Male Cully: Can I name him Joseph?

Adopted Maternal Ancestry

As long as we remember…You will continue to live in our hearts & Spirit.

This is a death certificate of my Great Uncle “male” Cully.  Makes me wonder what his name would have been had he lived.  I think I should name him.  He is more than just a male….but what name could I give him?  Would I name him Joseph?  Could I do that?  The name Joseph runs in the Cully family in North Carolina.  Yes, I think I will name him Joseph.
“Joseph” was birthed on May 23, 1910 in Worcester, Massachusetts to my Great Grandparents Ambrose E. Cully and Nora A. Gilliam.  He was stillborn.  Could this be one of the many births Nora had, where she lost her baby?  It was told that she was pregnant at least 21 times.  Thirteen births are accounted for.

Baby Joseph is resting at the Hope Cemetery in Worcester, MA.  I visited one year and was unable to find the burial plot for him.  I recently requested a photo on find-a-grave for the headstone.  Joseph has another brother who died in childbirth 8 years before.  I was told by the cemetery administrator that the gravesite has multiple burials of children.  So I am in great hopes that someone will claim the assignment to photograph the headstone so we can always remember the little spirits that came into this world.