Brown Surname,  Genealogy,  Michael Brown,  Root Digger,  Yvette Porter Moore

Where oh Where is Michael Brown?

Adopted Maternal Ancestry

I wonder where Michael Brown is.  He was 5-and a-half months when this photo was taken.  Michael is my Great Aunt Zara Cully Brown’s grandchild.  I am just unsure who his father is. He could be Emerson or James Brown Jr.’s son…In my recollections, I believe Michael is James’ son.  I must confirm this with a cousin of mine.  The last time I asked about Michael Brown, my cousin Diane stated that she had not seen him in years and the family lost contact of the Brown family…I guess this means I have to find them. 🙂

It is funny how we remember certain things.  My mother had told me she adored this little boy.  I have a picture of him in his pj’s holding a book “Twas the Night Before Christmas.”
He was quite handsome and about 6 or 7 years old.

Michael Brown
5 and 1/2 mo.
July 1946